domingo, 27 de maio de 2012

A reason to be proud of!

This morning I have a lot to say but space enough for only 2 subjects:
1) One of our students is an environmental engineer who was working for a big company in São Paulo and was asked to “deliver” some money under the table in order to have his project “chosen” during a public bid. He told his bosses their project was the best and paying that unethical money would not be necessary. His bosses insisted and he explained he was not comfortable doing such a controversial thing, but when his bosses insisted again, he resigned because his beliefs and moral values were being jeopardized by that request.
He’s sad and disappointed right now, knowing he’ll have to start looking for another job but Steve and I, along with his family and real friends, are very proud of his behavior. We’ll all be praying for a better job for you while we tell everyone: That’s the kind of thinking we work so hard for: Be ethical, be moral, be honest and respectful with others and mainly with yourself.
2) Some time ago I learned that Wagner Moura, an actor I admire, got together with the remaining musicians of “Legião Urbana”, which in my modest opinion was the best Brazilian Rock Band of all times due to the incredibly intelligent lyrics and amazing voice of the leader “Renato Russo”. Why? Because they’ll have a tribute for the Band, sponsored by MTV Brazil on May 29 and 30 in São Paulo.
Interview with Marcelo Bonfá
Surprise rehearsal yesterday with Wagner (still not comfortable in that role) and Band on Augusta Street, São Paulo.
Enjoy your weekend and give your family a reason to be proud of!

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