domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011

What time did you wake up on Sunday?

Today I woke up at 5h30 in the morning.
My white cat decided it was too beautiful of a day to waste in bed so she meowed, jumped on me and when nothing seemed to wake me up, I felt a gentle touch on my chin.
Yep! That was her; looking graciously at me, happy because she could finally make me aware of her presence. I tell you what! Get a cat like that and you’ll never be able to sleep after 6am again. She’s a little monster who demands constant attention. She wants to be fed (in an odd way) and caressed before anything else. And after she makes everybody gets out of bed, she goes back to sleep until noon.
Fortunately my other cat, Preto, is an angel. You barely notice he’s there – my big…baby.
Well, Branca made it clear she wanted us out of bed; so, I decided to get dressed and take some pictures of my plot before breakfast time – in order to evaluate it among other things. A plot is a piece of land that you own and can construct your house on.
My husband and I were astonished on how much the area has changed in less than two years. It’s more beautiful, organized and it finally got asphalted access, but I faced a problem: One of my neighbors decided to construct, without further notice, a big brick wall, iron fences and gates that keep me out of my own plot. In a conversation with my lawyer the neighbor assured us the entrance was easy, but that’s not the case. Imagine me, 6h20 in the morning after being thrown out of bed; no breakfast and facing a 2 to 3 meter brick wall that does not allow my entrance to my own plot. Funny, ah? Just to let you know I was pissed off.
What people may think is odd is the fact that although I was illegally kept out of my plot, I did not have the courage to wake my neighbor up because it was only 6h20. I’m sorry, but I really felt terrible forcing somebody to wake up so early. Can you tell me what should I have done in that situation?

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