sábado, 17 de novembro de 2012

What do you do on the weekend?

Do you watch tv?  Do you sleep?  Do you do your homework?
Do you talk to friends on the phone?  Do you listen to your favorite music?
Do you receive friends over?
Good for YOU! You have NO idea of how my weekend was.
I didn’t watch TV because the VERY LOUD music coming from Economíadas ruined it for me.
I couldn’t sleep because the sound was TOO LOUD and the intermittent whistles didn’t help it.
I didn’t do my homework because it was impossible to concentrate with that crap of music on.
I tried, but couldn’t understand what my family and friends were talking on the phone about, due to the NOISE caused by Economíadas.
I was deprived of listening to good music because even though I have good noise canceling headphones, they are not magic and can’t cancel 90 decibels of horrible noise.
Receive friends? How? When the DJ takes over and screams words starting with “p”, “x.”, “c.”, etc I feel so embarrassed that I’d like to bury my head under the ground. And to be honest, I should try it. Maybe we’d finally stop listening to that crap for 10 hours in a row.
God save us because Americana city Hall is not respecting the saint right of resting in your own home! And to have some fun why don't you watch the video below?

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