domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011

ACIA - Americana/SP

Hello, hello!
Last Tuesday I had an important ACIA’s presentation at Claudia Porteiro’s Buffet. They put together almost a hundred companies and gave us one minute and one minute only to talk about our companies.
You may think it’s not enough time – as a matter of fact I thought I’d not be able to say more than 3 sentences before the time was over – but it turns out you can do it well if you plan ahead.
That was my first time at such an event and not sure what to expect. I was told the presentations would be verbal only because power point presentations would not be allowed; so, I solicited ideas on how to make the difference, the suggestion I received was to use card boards such as used the previous year by a marketing company.
Then I faced three problems:
1) I really don’t like to use somebody else’s idea.
2) I did not have my laser printer available to have quality work done due to the fact it decided to break down by the time I needed it. (By the way, my car also decided to stop working).
3) I thought many other companies would do the same and honestly I’m more like one of a kind type of person.
How to catch the attention of big budget companies after lots of talking and talking? Creativity was my best shot, so I decided to produce my own Institutional Video (for later analysis) and a “pop up” book in order to be unique and give them a fresh presentation.
I expected some attention, although I would never think that it would become the success it was. People stopped their own presentations to congratulate me. The directors of ACIA congratulated me in public several times and also asked my permission to film it and use it as a “Case of Success”.
I remembered my husband asking me if I was not putting too much effort on that after seeing me working 18 hours a day for almost two weeks. I was afraid he was right but I had to try something new and at a low cost. That’s what I had to offer…
Truly I was overwhelmed. Seeing the audience stop everything to look astonished at my presentation... THAT could not be a better reward.
There’s no better feeling than knowing you completed your task… successfully!
Have a great week folks!

domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011


Hello, Hello, Everybody!
Mais uma semana falhei em escrever e peço mil desculpas, mas foi por uma boa razão. Estamos fazendo diversas mudanças na escola e todas elas exigem minha direta atenção.
Primeiro fizemos painéis em frente à escola, depois nos associamos a uma super empresa para oferecer intercâmbio para estudantes universitários e executivos... Se liga que o babado é forte!
Em 8 dias haverá uma big presentation na ACIA e estarei representando a escola enquanto um de nossos alunos representará a APAE. Então imaginem a quantidade de serviço: criar texto institucional com menos de 1 minuto de duração, desenvolver material publicitário, fazer pop up book, vídeo institucional (copiar 100 DVDs), montar kits, ensaiar o texto umas duzentas vezes e pedir a proteção de Deus para não engasgar no meio da apresentação.
E pensa que parou por aí? Não, não, não. Ainda estou coordenando as mudanças no web-site (cansei da cara dele), as propagandas da escola, criando as novas promoções, além de já estar pensando na festa de Halloween no final de Outubro.
A festa vai BOMBAR! Para quem achou que a festa do ano passado foi super legal, esperem a que virá!
Beijos para todos e vamos embora que a semana é curta e a vida é longa!